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5 Tips to Create a Morning Routine for Productivity


We all know the feeling. You hit snooze one too many times, you’re running late for your 9 am meeting, and you forgot to make breakfast.

You’re stressed before your day has even started. Sound familiar? If you’re looking to increase your productivity and set yourself up for success, creating a morning routine is key.

Think about it this way – would you rather start your day feeling rushed and frazzled, or would you rather start your day with a sense of calm and control?

I know I would rather start my day feeling calm and in control! If you need some help getting started,

here are 5 tips to create a morning routine for productivity.

Wake up at the same time each day – This may seem like a no-brainer, but it’s important to establish a regular wake-up time. When you wake up at the same time each day, your body will naturally begin to adjust and you’ll find it easier to wake up feeling rested.

Make time for breakfast – Skipping breakfast is a recipe for disaster. Not only will you be hungry and distracted throughout the morning, but you’ll also be more likely to make unhealthy choices later in the day. If you’re short on time, try something quick and easy like oatmeal or eggs.

Get moving – Exercise is a great way to start your day on the right foot. Not only does it boost your energy levels, but it also improves your mood and helps you stay focused throughout the day. If you’re not a fan of working out first thing in the morning, try going for a walk or doing some light stretching instead.

Set aside time for yourself – Before you start checking off items on your to-do list, take some time for yourself. Whether it’s reading your favorite book, meditating, or taking a relaxing bath, do something that makes YOU happy. This is YOUR time to recharge and reset before taking on the rest of the day.

Plan ahead – The night before, take some time to plan out your next day. This includes making a list of tasks that need to be accomplished as well as scheduling breaks throughout the day.

By planning ahead, you’ll save yourself time and stress in the morning and feel more prepared to tackle whatever comes your way during the day.

Creating a morning routine can seem daunting, but trust me – it’s worth it! A few small changes can make a big difference in how productive (and happy) you are throughout the day.

So give it a try! Wake up early tomorrow and see how following these tips can help set you up for success.

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