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10 Tips for Sticking to Your Self-Care Goals

Self-Care, Wellness

Blog Introduction: We all know the importance of self-care. And yet, so many of us find it difficult to actually follow through with our self-care goals. Whether it’s because we’re too busy, we don’t have enough time, or we just don’t know where to start, there are a million and one excuses that we can come up with to avoid taking care of ourselves. 

But the truth is, self-care is essential to our well-being—and it doesn’t have to be complicated or time-consuming. Here are 10 tips to help you stick to your self-care goals:

10 Tips for Sticking to Your Self-Care Goals

1. Make a plan. Decide what self-care activities you want to do and when you want to do them. Write it down or create a visual representation of your plan so that you can refer back to it when needed.

2. Set realistic goals. Don’t try to do too much at once—it’s more important to focus on quality over quantity. Choose a few self-care activities that you can realistically commit to and stick with them.

3. Find an accountability partner. Having someone who will hold you accountable can be a great motivator. Ask a friend or family member to check in with you on your progress or join you in your self-care activities.

4. Make it a priority. Just like anything else in life, if you want to achieve your self-care goals, you need to make them a priority. Schedule time for self care into your day or week and treat it like any other appointment that you would keep. 

5. Get creative. Self care comes in many different forms—it doesn’t always have to mean getting a massage or going for a run. Get creative and find activities that bring you joy and make you feel good. Maybe it’s taking a dance class, painting, or reading your favorite book—whatever makes you happy! 

6. Be flexible. Life happens and sometimes our best-laid plans go awry. If something comes up and you can’t stick to your self care plan, don’t beat yourself up—just be flexible and adjust as needed. 

7 Take baby steps. Rome wasn’t built in a day and neither is lasting change! If you’re finding it difficult to stick with your self care routine, start small and gradually build up from there until it becomes second nature.

8 Find what works for YOU. Everyone is different and what works for one person might not work for another—that’s okay! The most important thing is finding what works best for YOU and sticking with it . 

 9 Allow yourself some grace . Change is hard—give yourself credit for the progress that you ARE making, even if it feels slow at times . 

 10 Have fun ! This should be enjoyable, not another item on your never-ending To Do list ! If something does’ t feel good, ditch it and try something else until you find something that does

 Conclusion : 

 Implementing even just a few of these tips can make all the difference when it comes to sticking to your self-care goals .

Remember, this is about taking care of YOU — so make sure that whatever activities you choose , they bring you joy !  

What are YOUR favorite self-care tips ?

Share them in the comments below !

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We are dedicated to helping you live your best life possible by offering information, tips, and resources on everything self-care.

No matter what your goal is, we can help you achieve it! Whether you’re looking to improve your physical health, learn how to better manage stress, or simply take some time for yourself, we have something for you.

We believe that self-care is an essential part of a happy and healthy life, and we are here to support you every step of the way.



Our Self-Care Planner is the perfect way to keep track of your self-care routine and make sure you’re taking care of yourself both physically and mentally.

The planner has tons of different features to help you customize your self-care routine. You can set goals, track your progress and  journal about your day,  Plus, the fun and colorful design will help motivate you to stick with your self-care habits!